Monday, September 21, 2009

Dr Apt

At this apt, they did extra blood work, my blood pressure is 124/80 the babies heart rate is 150, everything is good! So I'm healthy and on track, the only thing is surprise surprise I may have antepartum depression. My hormones are way more out of wack then what is normal. I've freaked out about how if I'm told something the least bit upsetting, I could be up all night crying hysterically, (its embarrassing but true) It got that bad twice. I'm also so much less tolerant for things that annoy me. I hate venting over stupid little things, but now I freak out if I don't let out my feelings! I'm soooo sorry for the moodiness! I feel like a total brat on a daily basis. When I see the actual DR (she's on maternity leave) they'll talk to me about treatment if needed. But I don't think its that serious, I'll probably just be more aware of whats going on, which might help me calm down a bit! Which if anyone is confussed or lost - here's the drama with the insurance crud.
So there has been major drama this pregnancy with healthcare. Basically we waited forever to get me on Ben's insurance the day we found out, so I was a mth along. But it would take most of his check to add Shell and I, and me going back to work had the same outcome. Plus they considered pregnancy a pre-existing condition.We thought, maybe we would qualify for medicaid, in the meantime apts where self pay and at a small clinic which I hated. I kid you not working with medicaid took about 2 mths only to find we make too much. This insurance we have has a deductible, but Shell and I are covered, but guess what since I was high risk last time they won't cover a C-section or anything serious which I need a c this time also. Anyway...we had major complications with the insurance giving us a quote that included Ben and it took many calls many days to get the correct one, we made the payment, but since it was the end of the month the next week we had to pay again in order to get my cards, even though I had technically had coverage for a month. So thats the story behind that drama, and when I had my apt scheduled with my new dr, they had to keep rescheduling me since I didn't have my cards, then they told me last week that since I was past 20 weeks they couldn't keep me as a patient! Luckliy my old drs office (which my dr retired a year ago) had a new dr that said she would definetly take me, and they worked with my situation.


  1. That sure stinks about the insurance! good luck, I wish you the best! Hope you get feeling better too!

  2. That really stinks Rachel! I hate the health care system in the US... everything is soo expensive... it's crazy! In Argentina the delivery is almost free!! I know things will work out ;-)
